The Girl from the Other Side – Yay or Nay?

It’s been a while since I read this manga, back in 2020, I believe.
So trying to write from a few posts I have saved may be a fun little challenge, trying to decipher how I feel from them and sharing it all here before I forget.

For now, we shall look into The Girl from the Other Side, distributed by Seven Seas, created by Nagabe and borrowed from my local library since I was on a binge to see what series I would one day like to procure.

It seems like quite an interesting series.
The art is simple yet has this immense depth to it, something I don’t see as often in mangas as much. It’s quite clean in the layout aspect, it’s quite fascinating indeed.

The story has me rather perplexed.
I can’t quite see where the story is and what it’s trying to show me outside of something about curses. So my assumption is that the girl is cursed or where she has ended up is cursed, like the synopsis points out but I am rather unsure of it all. May not be for me but the story, despite it confusing my little peanut, seems simple and rather laid back.

Despite that, it seems to hold something dark, hiding something under such a soft exterior. This can be seen when the Shiva is present, the art seems to reflect it very well but that’s just my opinion on it.

Out of all the series I have read during this period, it was rather interesting.
It makes me think of The Ancient Magus Bride, another series being distributed by Seven Seas, a fantasy series that I rather enjoy a lot. It also has two side series and 2 novels, so The Ancient Magus Bride has a lot going for it.

Indeed, it has potential of being obtained but it will involve me reading the next volume to really cement in my feelings about it. I am rather interested in where this is going and I hope it’s as captivating as other series like it.
Sure, the story wins me over despite how I can’t seem to understand it as well as I should. I plan to eventually add it to my ranks if volume 2 wins me over.

Sometimes, I have moments where I question why I bother with Seven Seas but I can’t deny that they do have some amazing series available and have a huge range coming out in the next year that seems appealing but this series, is def worth considering.

Currently this series is complete in Japan at 11 volumes while English is at 10 with 11 coming out soon, I hope.

You can check out the series at Book Depository.

VERDICT: Possibly, need to read more volumes.

Published by

Mizu Gozreh

Gamer, creator, collector Master Tsundoku and Tsumige

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